Notice of Sanction – Hassan Kerde
The ABSC has concluded its review of the behaviour shown by Hassan Kerde in and after the final frame of the 2024 Bob Hawke AC Australian Open final at Mounties. Hassan has been given a reprimand, warning and a deferred suspension . He accepts that his behaviour was inappropriate, and reflected badly on our sport in the eyes of fellow players, officials, sponsors, spectators and the host club.
ABSC Members should note that reviews are carried out consistent with the mandatory processes set out in the National Integrity Framework. Sanctions imposed are in line with a breach category under the NIF and take into account all the relevant circumstances surrounding any offence.
Members must realise that disrespectful behaviour and verbal abuse is a significant issue for snooker at all levels. It is unnecessary and should not be tolerated. The ABSC is working with Sports Integrity Australia to make more serious sanctions available for breaches of this sort, and will announce these to all members once they are in force.