Celebrations during the Australian Open Snooker

During the Bob Hawke AC Australian Open Snooker there were some other celebrations worth noting. As the new incoming President I was delighted to be involved in 2 new Life Member nominations, as well as presenting official plaques to David Jackson and Steve Fitzpatrick for their Life Member nominations in 2022. See pictures below.

In addition to this, two nominations for ABSC Life Membership were received from the History and Archives Sub-committee of the ABSC: These were for Robert Higgins (Tasmania) and Noel Gourlay (Queensland).

Rex Swain spoke to the significant contributions that both men have made to the sport over a long period, Robert as a senior referee and TBSA and national administrator (including as ABSC Treasurer), and Noel as the National Director of Coaching in the 1980’s, long service on the QBSA Board and a period as ABSC Delegate.

Robert was presented with his award by Rex at Robert’s birthday party in Hobart the previous day, as agreed by the ABSC Board, and Rex will present Noel Gourlay with his award in late December at the Queensland Open billiards.

Another special moment was being involved in the presentation of a plaque to Mounties to celebrate 25 years of hosting the Australian Open Snooker at Mounties. This event has seen greats like John Higgins, Anthony Hamilton and Dene O’Kane win over the years plus our own Steve Mifsud who has won the title 7 times. And now with Vinnie Calabrese claiming the title in one of the most incredible finals Australian Snooker has ever seen. The presentation was MC’d by Todd Hayward and the plaque was presented to Mounties by outgoing President Frank Dewens who has served on the ABSC Board for 10 years. Congratulations Frank and a big thank you to Mounties for their incredible support.


Alex Render

EventsAlex Render