Players Advocate Executive Positions

The Executive Committee is in the final stages of redrawing the existing ABSC Constitution. The New Constitution will be sent to the Affiliated Members shortly ahead of its formal acceptance at the next AGM in October this year.

As part of the Executive's ongoing commitment to the improvement, one of the important changes that will be implemented in the New Constitution is the introduction of "Appointed Executive Members" which will comprise two Players' Advocates on the Executive Committee to be elected by the Ordinary Members and the election (as opposed to appointment) of a Women's Delegate on the Executive Committee.

The three elected positions are all "full executive committee" positions with the successful candidates being actively involved in the Executive Committee and entitled to propose motions, vote etc etc. An overview of the role and responsibilities for the Appointed Executive Members is provided with this announcement.

Election Announcement

Role Descriptions

Players' Advocate

Women's Advocate

Nomination Forms

Players' Advocate

Women's Advocate

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